Jamilyn Hull

November 21, 1988 - June 25, 2015


The Meaning Of "Yes."

From a post written by Jamilyn after a trip to Israel on her 26th birthday.


“I spent almost two weeks in Israel walking places where Jesus walked and getting my eyes on places I had only read about in my Bible. One of my favorite places was Gethsemane. This place looked completely different than I had envisioned it in my mind. Yet it is the place where my Lord said "YES" to the largest and most unimaginable task. It's the place where He wrestled with His humanness but ultimately chose us. It's where He chose me. His "YES" on this Mount of Olives changed history. His "YES" made a way for me to be new. His "YES" washed away my crimson stains. His "YES" broke any bondage that would ever try to overtake me. His "YES" places me in the presence of a Prodigal Father. His "YES" forever changes my identity. His "YES" gave me life. His "YES" overwhelms me. It demands a response. I still wrestle with my humanness but praise God that with His strength, I now have the freedom to say "YES".

My assignments in this life might change from season to season, but my calling will always be to say "YES", no matter what He asks.”

-Jamilyn Hull, 2014


Jamilyn Hull's Celebration Service


PART 1: Welcome by Randy Reeves

PART 2: "Good Good Father" by Katherine Hoffpauir

PART 3: Family Introduction by Tierce Green

PART 4: Words From a Sister by Britney Cooper

PART 5: Words From a Sister by Lauren Debayle

PART 6: Words From a Mother by Jennifer Hull

PART 7: Words From a Father by David Hull

PART 8: "Light of the World" Video Tribute

Part 9: "Living Life 'Yes' First" a Tribute To Jamilyn's Life by Jeremy Foster

PART 10: Worship